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Aug 13, 2018
Coming Home
We were excited. She was coming home. We had housed 15 horses over the years, looking for a super gentle one. We wanted to trust a horse...

May 28, 2018
When You Love Someone Who Has Dementia
A little headache. I’m wondering if it’s barometric pressure. A sunny day, then boom! a cloud and sudden splats of rain, then the...

May 7, 2018
A Strange Time for This Mom
We were living in emotional turmoil. My first husband and I were separated at the time. I was busy being a mom and teaching sons to sit...

Apr 2, 2018
When Women "Do Lunch"
What is this about? I probably go to lunch with one of my friends twice a month. I couldn’t care less about where we go, how fancy it is,...

Mar 26, 2018
Computer Class
Racing across the parking lot at the public library, I look up and see broken clouds. I’ve seen them before, but today I really see them....

Dec 11, 2017
Salvation Army Saved Us
My mother left when I was 14. Daddy sat on the floor in a corner. He drank too much. But I had my six brothers and my five sisters. As...

Dec 4, 2017
The tail end of fall is falling outside. Leaves pile up. A holy thing. My husband is disturbed by the leaves and wants time to mow them....

Jun 5, 2017
Outside the Gate
If we only knew the load each person bears, we’d likely become more loving, giving, caring. I wonder if God is bringing more and more...

May 22, 2017
Hesychia House
Sometimes we need a break, a time-out. That can look like a fifteen-minute coffee break, an hour hidden away in a bedroom, or three days...

May 8, 2017
A Letter
Dear Flood Victims, As I look at the photos on the internet of Northeast Arkansas, my jaw drops and tears well in my eyes. I’ve seen...
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